what does it mean to be in your power

The faith journey that nosotros undertake equally new creations in Christ is ane that leads us into a greater experience of God's love, a deeper insight into His character, and farther revelation of His blessings and miracles, all of which become increasingly evident the longer we walk with Him.

With all that being considered, is information technology not but correct then that we award the 1 who took u.s. out of the darkness of despair, saved united states of america from eternal damnation, and gave us new promise through the light of His forgiving mercy and grace?

However, what does it mean to "honor" God?

Why Should We Laurels God?

King David wrote in Psalm 27:14 (AMPC), "What, what would accept go of me had I not believed that I would run across the Lord'due south goodness in the country of the living!"

God loved us earlier we loved Him by sacrificing His just Son Jesus for u.s.a.. If not for His cede on the Cross, we would nonetheless be held spiritually captive by our own sins and be destined to spend eternity in damnation under the will of Satan.

Isn't that reason enough to honor Him?

Mankind Has Failed to Laurels God

Despite the ultimate sacrifice God fabricated in giving up His only Son for us, mankind, in general, has failed to honor God with the respect and honor that He deserves.

The Bible records occurrences where humans apostatized by worshiping foreign idols and disregarding God's laws. In Job half-dozen:5-6, God was troubled by the wickedness of the people and even regretted creating humans.

When Moses went to Mount Sinai to receive God's commandments, the Israelites turned from God and worshiped a gilded calf idol made from molten jewelry and ornaments.

Likewise, today, man has chosen to worship the idols of the world such every bit materialism, prestige, and status, instead of prioritizing God in their lives.

Romans 1:21 describes this well: "For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thank you to him, simply their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened."

What Does it Mean to Award God?

To honor God means first and foremost that you recognize Him as the highest say-so in heaven and on Globe. He is the Ane who created the universe, from the largest planet to the tiniest grain of sand, and no person, ability, spirit, or forcefulness can contend with His greatness and might.

Another key revelation to honoring God is recognizing that we, as humans, are sinners, therefore, we need the mercy, grace, and power of a loving Savior to love, protect, and guide us on our life journey.

Honoring God also means that we submit to His ways and know that He has a good and wonderful programme for our lives (John 10:ten). This requires that we walk in obedience with Him and trust His means, fifty-fifty when we don't understand why bad things are happening to united states.

Lastly, and most chiefly, to honor God means to not just respect Him for what He does for us just to love Him for who He is.

Honoring God is a daily commitment. The post-obit are ways in which we can give Him the honor He deserves every day.

Laurels God with Your Middle

Honoring God begins first and foremost in our hearts (Proverbs 3:5). Information technology is a witting decision we brand to put Him beginning and foremost in our lives. Information technology is the ultimate declaration of honey towards our Begetter and a commandment from Jesus! (Matthew 22:37-38).

Having a heart mental attitude towards God besides means that we constantly do gratitude for all that He has done in our lives (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

Honour God with Your Lips

God in all His majesty deserves our praise. Therefore, honor God by verbally expressing your gratitude for His goodness (two Chronicles 20). Additionally, lift your voice in song and worship Him (Psalm 95:1; Colossians 3:16).

At that place are many types of Christian music that are available on platforms such as Spotify, YouTube Music, Deezer, and more. Yous can even melody into Christian radio stations.

Furthermore, honor God with your words (Proverbs 18:21). Dearest others as God loves united states by choosing to speak kindly and positively to people.

Too refrain from expressing profanities, including taking the Lord's proper name in vain. Finally, don't be agape to give testimonies to others of God'south goodness (Psalm 22:22).

Honor God with Your Life

You may exist the only Bible that someone will ever read, and then attempt and live a life that reflects God'southward beloved and teachings.

Show kindness to others (Ephesians four:32), serve the church your community (Philippians ii:4), and help the needy and the oppressed (Psalm 82:3).

Instead of glorifying yourself through the pursuit of self, glorify God (John iii:thirty).

On a personal level, alive a daily life that honors God. Spend fourth dimension with Him daily in prayer and worship. Read the Bible to grow in the knowledge of God's teachings that will increase your faith and solidify your trust in Him (James four:eight).

Effort and implement God's teachings into your life by walking in love, obedience, and trust. Forgive others, just like God forgave you.

In your domicile, treat your spouse with biblical reverence and respect (Ephesians 5:22-23) and teach your children God's ways in order that they may abound upwardly to be formidable men and women of Christ (Proverbs 22:6).

Too, the Bible calls united states of america to respect governing government, for they have been established by Him (Romans xiii:1-2). Nosotros may not always agree with our leader'due south policies or find them personable, but we should not intermission the law in defiance of their leadership.

Lastly, honor God with your trunk. When you pray and worship, prefer a opinion of obedience and humility by bowing downward, kneeling, or raising your arms.

If we can raise our arms and spring around at a football game lucifer or concert, so surely, we tin physically express our honor to God!

As role of honoring God with your trunk, look after your diet, exercise, and refrain from abusing your body with addictive substances, as well equally engaging in immoral sexual activities (1 Corinthians 6:xviii-xx).

The Holy Spirit resides in us; therefore, we should strive to proceed our bodies as a temple to accolade Him with.

Award God with Your Finances

Everything you have — your auto, your house, your job — has been given to you by God. Therefore, show Him that you are grateful for His provision by offering Him a tithe of your earnings every calendar month.

Contrary to some Christian's opinions on this subject, tithing is relevant under the New Testament (Matthew 6:21; Luke 11:42). Furthermore, the undeniable fact remains that cypher belongs to u.s. — it belongs to God, who graciously provides.

Therefore, is it non only fair, that nosotros honor Him by answering His call (Malachi 3:10) to requite back a tenth of that provision in gratitude? After all, God graciously states that we can keep the residuum.

All things considered, God Himself gave the ultimate offering to us — His Son Jesus. If God can give up His Son so that we tin alive in eternal righteousness with Him, how difficult tin it exist for you to give up a tenth of your finances for Him?

If yous would like to know more than about the importance of tithing, I highly recommend reading The Blest Life by Pastor Robert Morris. Transformation Church has too taught an eye-opening YouTube serial on tithing and giving.

Honor God by Sharing His Discussion with Others

Equally children of God, we have all been called to spread the Word of God to others (Matthew 28:19). Therefore, ask God what you tin can do to share His Word with others.

Ministering can have the form of using your God-given talents to serve others, to give financially, to go along missions, or even to open your dwelling to host a Bible study group, if current social restrictions allow it.

Additionally, you can assist your neighbors, ring a friend who's feeling isolated, or buy a homeless person a loving cup of coffee.

It'due south non always well-nigh what you say, rather it's about showing the love of God that is in your heart. It is this love that others will run into and respond to.

In Club to Accolade God, We Must Honor Jesus

God states in His Word that by honoring Jesus, we thereby honor Him:

"Moreover, the Father judges no one, merely has entrusted all judgment to the Son, that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Male parent. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honour the Male parent, who sent him"(John 5:22-23).

Then, how exercise we accolade Jesus? Past accepting Him every bit our Lord and Savior, and by acknowledging His cede on the Cross of Calvary, through accepting His souvenir of Salvation:

Jesus answered, "I am the mode and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me'"(John xiv:vi).

Lastly, we should endeavor to love others like Jesus loved during His ministry on earth:

"My command is this: Beloved each other as I take loved you lot"(John fifteen:12).

God Honors Us When We Honor Him

In 1 Samuel 2:30, God specifically declares that He honors those, who honor Him: "Those who honor me I will honor, only those who despise me will be disdained."

How does God accolade us?

  • He blesses united states of america with provision (Philippians four:19); He delivers the states from our problems (Psalm 34:19).
  • He performs miracles for united states of america (2 Corinthians 12:12); He answers our prayers (Jeremiah 33:3).
  • He keeps us in peace and gives us rest (Isaiah 26:3); He volition set y'all on high (Psalm 91:14).

Honoring God is non something we exercise as Christians out of a sense of duty or to gain His favor. Rather, information technology is a daily expression of recognition, respect, and gratitude towards the I who loved us when we were sinners and His enemy.

If you feel in your middle that you haven't been giving God the honor He deserves, show Him how much He means to you by putting Him start in your life from today.


We know nosotros should honor God. What does it mean to award Him?

5 Ways to Honor God Today

How to Laurels God

What Does it Mean to Accolade God?

Honoring God

vi Ways to Award God

Intend to Laurels God in Your Home

What would have happened if Jesus had not been born?

How Does the Death of Jesus Save Me?

V Things God Wants to Practise for You

What does information technology mean to praise and honor God

Photograph Credit: ©Unsplash/Iyan Kurnia

Madeline Kalu  is a Christian writer and the co-founder of Jacob's Ladder Blog . She was born in England but currently lives in Federal republic of germany with her husband, Solomon. Equally a response to the fear, anxiety, and despair generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, Jacob's Ladder Blog  has written a free EBook titled "More than Conquerors through Christ" to encourage, strengthen, and give hope in the midst of this pandemic. Y'all tin can download the EBook or read it online at  world wide web.jacobsladderblog.com .


Source: https://www.christianity.com/wiki/god/what-does-it-mean-to-honor-god.html

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