Similarities Between a Family Doctor and General Practitioner

Britain has a two-tier system of medical care. A person who is ill goes first to a primary care physician or general practitioner. The full general practitioner treats near problems himself, and refers patients with unusual or serious illnesses to specialists for secondary intendance.

The two-tier organization has several advantages. Principal care is a cheap and accessible way of treating minor illnesses. The patient can consult the same dr. for well-nigh all illnesses. Specialists practice not waste material their time on elementary problems. In case of serious illnesses, the full general practitioner helps the patient observe the most appropriate specialist. General practitioner is the 'gateway' to specialist health care, but it is also becoming a specialty in its own right. In United kingdom 99% of population is registered with a general practitioner. Two-thirds of the population visits a general practitioner every year and 98% do so at least once every five years. The full general practitioner can therefore offering preventive medicine and health education to almost everyone in the country. In the past the general practitioner dealt just with 'presenting complaints', that is, symptoms and anxieties which patients brought along to the doctor. This is called reactive medicine, where the doctor does nothing until the patient has noticed that something is wrong. Mod general do involves pro-active medicine, where the doctor makes contact with healthy people and offers medical intendance to people who accept non asked for it.

An instance of pro-agile medicine is cervical cancer screening. Cervical cancer is a type of cancer of the womb. It begins equally pre-cancer, which grows very slowly and develops into destructive cancer after v to fifteen years. Women with the pre-cancer are quite salubrious and take no symptoms. A examination called the cervical smear can observe this pre-cancer. The pre-malignant cells can and then be treated (by laser therapy) to prevent cancer developing. The cervical smear test and laser therapy are both very simple procedures. Merely its administration is not that simple. Information technology is non piece of cake to trace all women in the country and invite them for screening every three years. In Great britain, the task is much easier considering almost all women are registered with a general practitioner. A elementary computer plan can place what patients need their three-yearly cervical smear. The computer writes letters to these women inviting them to come for the test. The full general practitioner takes the smear tests and writes to each adult female a few weeks later to tell her the result. In this manner, if the result is abnormal, the woman receives the news from a medico she knows and trusts. She tin then become back to him to discuss her fears. Wellness pedagogy is another important attribute of mod general exercise. The general practitioner is ordinarily a well-known and respected member of the local community. People are more probable to accept the communication of their own full general practitioner than that of a stranger or an 'expert' on television.

Communication from a full general practitioner to stop smoking is the nigh toll-constructive health policy in the developed world. Many general practitioners now organize 'lifestyle' clinics, where patients tin can come up for advice about smoking, nutrition, alcohol, do or stress reduction.

Perchance the most important skill in general practice is communication. Even when a patient has seen a specialist, it is the general practitioner who explains the diagnosis to the patient and supervises the treatment of the illness. If the patient does not understand the problem, or if he finds the treatment painful or tedious, he may not follow the doctor'due south advice. It is important to involve the patient in his ain care. The days of 'doctor's orders' are gone. Some sometime-fashioned full general practitioners do non similar this new organisation, where the patient often knows as much about his affliction every bit the doctor, simply many general practitioners find it both challenging and rewarding.

In Great britain, general practitioners are besides known equally family unit doctors. They provide chief care for patients 'from the cradle to the grave'. If one fellow member of a family has a serious illness, the general practitioner can requite back up and advice to the balance of the family. If necessary, the general practitioner visits the patient at home. This unique relationship is often envied by other countries. In the United States, for instance, every new illness requires a new specialist doctor who has probably never met the patient or the family before. This leads to a very reactive type of health care. The dr. treats such illness but does non accept overall responsibility for the patient's health. Virtually doctors do not run across themselves every bit pro-active health care providers for a whole customs. Recently, doctors in the US have admitted this problem, and 'off-white medicine' is at present the fastest-growing medical specialty in that state.

Some specialists however think of full general exercise as a low-status and uninteresting co-operative of medicine. They think that the general practitioner does little more than give out aspirin and weigh babies. But good general practice demands a wide range of skills. The general practitioner should know a fiddling nigh every branch of medicine, and know when to ask a specialist for communication. To many people in the community, the general practitioner is 'my doctor' – healer, adviser, helper and friend. He must likewise be a manager, an accountant and an administrator. Of all doctors, the general practitioner enjoys the greatest variety of medical problems, the 'near satisfying medico-patient relationships', and the greatest potential for improving the health of an entire community.

Exercise 1.Explain the following words and word combinations:

Primary care doc/general practitioner; secondary intendance; preventive medicine; health education; reactive medicine; pro-active medicine; pre-cancer; cervical smear test; lifestyle clinics.

Exercise 2.Discuss the post-obit issues:

1. The two-tier system of British medical service. Is the organisation different in your country?

2. Dwell upon the advantages of pro-active medicine.

3. The importance of health instruction. Do you recollect health education is important?

4. Skills of a general practitioner.

five. Full general practitioner equally a family unit dr..

6. The status of a general practitioner in British community.

Great britain has a 2-tier system of medical care. A person who is ill goes kickoff to a primary intendance physician or general practitioner. The general practitioner treats most problems himself, and refers patients with unusual or serious illnesses to specialists for secondary intendance.

The two-tier organization has several advantages. Master intendance is a cheap and attainable way of treating minor illnesses. The patient tin consult the same medico for almost all illnesses. Specialists practice not waste their time on uncomplicated problems. In case of serious illnesses, the general practitioner helps the patient find the nigh appropriate specialist. General practitioner is the 'gateway' to specialist health intendance, just information technology is also becoming a specialty in its own right. In U.k. 99% of population is registered with a general practitioner. Two-thirds of the population visits a general practitioner every twelvemonth and 98% practise so at least once every 5 years. The general practitioner can therefore offer preventive medicine and health education to nearly everyone in the state. In the past the full general practitioner dealt only with 'presenting complaints', that is, symptoms and anxieties which patients brought along to the doc. This is chosen reactive medicine, where the doctor does nothing until the patient has noticed that something is wrong. Modern general practice involves pro-agile medicine, where the doctor makes contact with healthy people and offers medical care to people who take non asked for it.

An instance of pro-active medicine is cervical cancer screening. Cervical cancer is a blazon of cancer of the womb. It begins as pre-cancer, which grows very slowly and develops into subversive cancer subsequently five to fifteen years. Women with the pre-cancer are quite salubrious and have no symptoms. A examination chosen the cervical smear tin can find this pre-cancer. The pre-cancerous cells tin can and then be treated (by light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation therapy) to forbid cancer developing. The cervical smear test and laser therapy are both very simple procedures. Just its administration is not that unproblematic. It is not easy to trace all women in the country and invite them for screening every three years. In Britain, the task is much easier because about all women are registered with a general practitioner. A unproblematic computer programme can place what patients need their three-yearly cervical smear. The computer writes letters to these women inviting them to come for the test. The general practitioner takes the smear tests and writes to each woman a few weeks later to tell her the issue. In this way, if the result is abnormal, the woman receives the news from a doctor she knows and trusts. She can then get back to him to talk over her fears. Health education is some other important aspect of modern general practice. The full general practitioner is commonly a well-known and respected member of the local customs. People are more than likely to accept the advice of their own full general practitioner than that of a stranger or an 'expert' on television.

Advice from a general practitioner to stop smoking is the most price-effective health policy in the adult world. Many general practitioners now organize 'lifestyle' clinics, where patients can come up for communication virtually smoking, diet, alcohol, practise or stress reduction.

Mayhap the almost important skill in full general practise is communication. Even when a patient has seen a specialist, information technology is the general practitioner who explains the diagnosis to the patient and supervises the treatment of the illness. If the patient does non understand the problem, or if he finds the treatment painful or ho-hum, he may not follow the doctor's advice. It is important to involve the patient in his own care. The days of 'md'south orders' are gone. Some quondam-fashioned general practitioners practice not like this new system, where the patient often knows as much almost his illness as the doctor, only many general practitioners find it both challenging and rewarding.

In Uk, general practitioners are as well known equally family doctors. They provide primary care for patients 'from the cradle to the grave'. If i member of a family has a serious illness, the general practitioner can give support and advice to the residue of the family. If necessary, the general practitioner visits the patient at dwelling house. This unique relationship is often envied by other countries. In the United States, for case, every new illness requires a new specialist md who has probably never met the patient or the family before. This leads to a very reactive type of health care. The doc treats such illness but does non accept overall responsibility for the patient'south health. Most doctors do not see themselves as pro-agile wellness care providers for a whole customs. Recently, doctors in the United states of america have admitted this problem, and 'fair medicine' is now the fastest-growing medical specialty in that state.

Some specialists still think of full general practice equally a depression-status and uninteresting branch of medicine. They think that the general practitioner does lilliputian more than than give out aspirin and weigh babies. But good general practice demands a wide range of skills. The general practitioner should know a little near every branch of medicine, and know when to ask a specialist for advice. To many people in the community, the general practitioner is 'my dr.' – healer, adviser, helper and friend. He must also be a manager, an accountant and an administrator. Of all doctors, the full general practitioner enjoys the greatest variety of medical issues, the 'nearly satisfying doctor-patient relationships', and the greatest potential for improving the wellness of an entire community.

Exercise 1.Explain the following words and word combinations:

Main intendance physician/full general practitioner; secondary care; preventive medicine; health didactics; reactive medicine; pro-agile medicine; pre-cancer; cervical smear exam; lifestyle clinics.

Do 2.Discuss the following issues:

1. The ii-tier system of British medical service. Is the organisation unlike in your country?

2. Dwell upon the advantages of pro-agile medicine.

iii. The importance of wellness education. Exercise yous call back health education is important?

4. Skills of a general practitioner.

five. General practitioner equally a family physician.

half-dozen. The condition of a general practitioner in British community.


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